The information material referenced here is a marketing communication and therefore does not constitute a prospectus, investment recommendation, or other advice, and serves purely for informational purposes for investors in Germany. The information presented is intended solely for non-binding information.
Investors should read the key investor information and the sales prospectus before making an investment.
The information material referenced here does not constitute investment advice or investment brokerage, nor does it represent personal recommendations to the recipient. It is not based on an examination of the recipient’s personal circumstances and has not been assessed for suitability for the recipient.
The information contained in the material referenced here is selective and does not claim to be complete. The representations do not contain a full description of any cryptocurrency, the tax consequences of an investment, or the risks associated with an investment.
The information in the referenced material reflects the opinion of F5 Crypto, which was correct to the best of our knowledge and belief at the time of creating the referenced material, based on our expertise, economic analysis, and information known to us at that time. However, F5 Crypto assumes no further obligation to provide additional information, update the referenced materials, or correct any inaccuracies contained therein. The information presented must not, under any circumstances, be interpreted as implying any kind of obligation, assurance, guarantee, or warranty, express or implied, on the part of F5 Crypto or any author regarding, reliance on, or the accuracy or completeness of the referenced materials. F5 Crypto assumes no express or implied liability for the information contained in the referenced materials.
Historical and projected representations have been prepared with due diligence. However, actual results may differ from forecasts and estimates, and any deviation may be significantly positive or negative.
No assurances or guarantees are made regarding future results or other forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are naturally subject to uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond F5 Crypto’s control. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
The basis for the F5 Crypto offering consists solely of the articles of association of F5 Crypto Fonds 1 InvAG m.v.K. and TGV, the investment conditions of F5 Crypto Fonds 1 InvAG m.v.K. and TGV, the key information document for semi-professional investors, and the subscription documents (including the “Brief tax information” and “Key risk factors”). Before deciding to acquire investment shares, potential investors should consult their bank, legal advisor, tax consultant, and/or financial advisor, and they should carefully consider the investment decision in light of the risk factors and their personal situation.
The information presented in the referenced materials is protected by copyright and must be treated as strictly confidential. Each recipient acknowledges and agrees that the content of this document represents copyrighted and confidential information to which F5 Crypto attributes independent economic value due to its not being generally known, and that it is subject to reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy. The recipient further agrees that the content of any referenced document is a trade secret, the disclosure of which may cause significant and irreparable competitive harm to F5 Crypto. Any reproduction or distribution of such documents, in whole or in part, or disclosure of their contents is prohibited without prior written consent from F5 Crypto. Upon request, relevant documents must be returned to F5 Crypto, and all copies must be destroyed.
Please note that the pricing and valuation information is unverified and based on unaudited price and inventory data. Therefore, the information should be understood only as indicative and may change. F5 Crypto Management GmbH makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the information. In particular, but without limitation to the foregoing, F5 Crypto Management GmbH assumes no responsibility or guarantee that the information is reconciled, complete, error-free or correct.
The underlying investments of the referenced information material do not meet the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities as defined in the ESG guidelines.
F5 Crypto explicitly points out that investments in crypto assets, securities, and other financial instruments as defined by the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) are generally associated with significant opportunities and risks (price, market, currency, volatility, credit, and other risks), and a total loss of invested capital cannot be ruled out.